Market Penetration & Scalability

This offering presents a unique opportunity to acquire 264 units in conjunction with the neighboring Brent Village, creating a 444-unit portfolio in the desirable Omaha MSA. This combination allows investors to gain immediate market penetration and achieve greater operational efficiencies.

Diverse Unit Mix & Opportunity to Add In-Unit Washer & Dryer

The property features a variety of floor plans catering to a broad range of resident preferences and needs. Additionally, many of the floor plates provide an easy solution for adding washing and dryer hookups, furthering Bellevue Hills’ appeal to prospective residents.

Stable Occupancy & Proven Rent Growth

The property boasts a strong occupancy record, with a vacancy loss of just 6.06%, and the potential to increase rents by an average of $180 per month above the current average, proven by the maximum achieved rents. The property’s solid occupancy history, coupled with the potential for rent increases, underscores its attractiveness as an investment. The remaining 43 Classic Units offer a clear opportunity for rent premiumization through modern upgrades.